The Pulang Lupa Foundation Inc. is a non-profit non-stock organization based in Brgy. Lumingon in the town of Tiaong, province of Quezon in the Philippines. Established in April 2001, the foundation supports Pulang Lupa's expanding vision of providing educational, artistic, and cultural opportunities and a venue for its related activities.

Starting school year June 2001, the foundation launched a program of educational assistance to the studentry of the barangays of Lumingon and Lusacan in the town of Tiaong, province of Quezon.

As in many of the barangays in rural Philippines, chronic economic want has deprived many families of the ability to continue the education of their children. Despite the availability of occasional scholarships or barely manageable affordability of basic tuitions, many are unable to pursue or continue their education because of the cumulative costs of transportation, meals, books, supplies, school projects and other school-related activities and needs.

The Pulang Lupa Foundation's program of educational assistance will be in the form of scholarships and/or the Educational Assistance Funds.

In dollars, the estimated costs of full collegiate scholarchips - which includes tuition, books, transportation, board and lodging allowance - range from $700-$1,500/year. The Educational Assistance Fund provides assistance for allowances, uniforms, books, transportation and school projects and ranges from $10-20/month or $100-200/year for elementary and high school students; $60/month or $600/ year for college students. (2001 Recipients)

Through the foundation, Pulang Lupa has initiated and continues to support and foster youth-oriented sports and cultural activities, community activities and celebrations, workshops for arts and crafts, and a continuing study of Philippine alternative medicine (AltMed.html).

In July 2004, the foundation helped establish the PLYO - the Pulang Lupa Youth Organization.

In 2006. it completed the construction of the "Tuklong sa Mangahan," a small chapel with a courtyard for villagers' celebrations and events, foremost, the month-long Flores de Mayo, with its nightly celebration of prayers and songs.

For further information on the Pulang Lupa and the Foundation and how you can contribute or participate in this effort, email:

Foundation 2001 Recipients
Foundation 2002 Recipients

Foundation 2003 Recipients
Foundation 2004 Recipients
Foundation 2005 Recipients
Foundation 2006-2007