Gen info
- Plinia is a genus of flowering plants in the myrtle family, Myrtaceae, which was described by Linnaeus in 1753.
Etymology: The word "jaboticaba" is derived from the Tupi word, jaboti, for turtle or tortoise, or alternatively, "like turtle fat" referring to the fruit's white pulp, or "the place where tortoise are found", descriptive of the fruit pulp. (3)
It could also derive from iapoti'kaba meaning "fruits in a bud". (35) The specific epithet cauliflora is from cauliflorous, meaning the fruit and flowers grow directly on the bark or underbark along the trunk, limbs, and branches.
• Jaboticaba is a slow growing shrubby ornamental evergreen shrub or small tree, reaching a height of 4-12 meters. Branches emerge close from the ground, spreading to a wide, dense, round, and symmetrical crown. Flowers and fruits form low in the trunk and branches. Flowers are small, staminous, white, and cauliflorous. Fruits are globose, bright green when immature to dark purple or shiny black when fully ripe. The pulp is translucent white to light pink surrounding 1 to 5 round or flat light brown seeds.
• Growth form: A small tree or shrub up to 15 m tall. Trunk: The bark is reddish-brown and peeling, revealing the multicolored underbark. Foliage: Leaves are simple and leathery, arranged in opposite pairs, lanceolate to elliptic, measuring 2.5-6 cm long and 1.2-2.5 cm wide. Young leaves are salmon-colored. Flowers: Flowers are small, white with numerous stamens, borne directly on trunks and large branches. Fruits: Fruits are globular, measuring 1.5-4 cm in diameter. Unripe fruits are green and become purplish-black when fully ripe. The fruit resembles a grape, but has a thick skin. Fruit pulp is whitish and edible, embedded with 1 to 5 seeds. (Flora & Fauna Web)
- Cultivated.
- Seeds were sent from Washington to the Philippines in 1924, possibly the Mineira variety that was introduced into California in 1904. (3)
- Native to the Brazil.
- Nutrient analysis of jaboticaba fruits per 100 g yielded: calories 45-7-51.7 units, water 87.1 g, protein 0.11-0.32 g, fat <0.01 g, carbohydrate 12.58 g, ash 0.2g, calcium 6.3-7.6 mg, phosphorus 9.2-34.6 mg, iron 0.49-0.87 mg, potassium 13.2 mg, vitamin B1 0.04 mg, vitamin B2 0.09 mg, niacin 1.3 mg, fiber 0.08 mg, riboflavin 0.02 mg, tryptophan 1.0 mg, lysine 7.0 mg, ascorbic acid 17.7-238 mg, total anthocyanins 58.1-315 mg, total phenolics 460.9 mg, total carotenoids 0.32 mg. Sources: Lorenzi et al. (2000), Morton (1987), Rufino et al. (2011), Rufino et al. (2010) and Assis et al. (2009). ( 5)
- Freeze-dried jaboticaba peel showed to be a rich source of polyphenols, mainly flavonoids, anthocyanins and dietary fibers. Studies have also identified ellagic acid, gallic acid, tannins, quercetin derivatives, and anthocyanins. ( 10)
- Study of fruits isolated a new ellagitannin, cauliflorin (1), seven known hydrolyzable tannins (2-8), and six known phenolics (9-14). (see study below) ( 11)
- Mineral analysis of fruit peel of M. cauliflora yielded (mg/g dry weight): K 1.060, P 0.377, Ca 0.113, Mg 0.065, Fe 0.032, Zn 0.026, Cu 0.014, and Mn 0.009. ( 13)
- Study of seed extract for ellagitannin components yielded
castalagin, vescalagin, and pedunculagin as main compounds (124.4, 45.5 and 15.6 mg/g dw, respectively). (see study below) ( 15)
- Study of leaves for essential oil yielded ß-cis-Caryophyllene (24.4%), epi- γ-Eudesmol (8%), 2-Naphthalenemethanol[decahydro-alpha] (8%), and trans Calamenene (6.6%) as major constituents. (see study below) ( 40)
- GC-MS analysis of 50% ethanol fruit extract identified 15 compounds (>0.7%): 5-hydroxymethyl-furfural, 2,3-dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy-6-methyl-4h-pyran-4-one, 2,5-diformylfuran, furfural, ace-tic acid, citraconic anhydride, formic acid, ethyl 4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enoate, furfuryl alcohol, furyl hydroxymethyl ketone, 3-acetyl-3-hydroxyoxolane-2-one, 2,3-dihydro-5-hydroxy-2-(hydroxymethyl)-4H-pyran-4-one, 2(3H)-furanone, dihy-dro-4-hydroxy-, hydroxyacetone, and 1-hydroxybut-3-en-2-one. (see study below) ( 42)
- Caution: Regular high and prolonged consumption of the skin should be avoided because of high tannin content. Tannin is antinutrient and carcinogenic if intake is frequent over a long period of time.
- Studies have shown hypotensive, vasorelaxant, antifungal, antibacterial, hypolipidemic, blood glucose lowering, antiproliferative, cytotoxic, antioxidant, nephroprotective, anticoagulant, anti-platelet, cardioprotective, anti-diarrheal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, genotoxic, antigenotoxic, antimutagenic, anti-psoriatic, anti-atherosclerosis properties.
Parts used
Fruit, peels.
- Fruit are edible, usually eaten out-of-hand. Squeezing the fruit between thumb and forefinger causes it to split and the pulp slipping into the mouth. (3)
- Fruits may begin to ferment 3 to 4 days after harvest, so it is often made into jams, jellies, marmalades,tarts, wines and liquers. Due to its short shelf-life, fresh jaboticaba is rare in markets outside areas of cultivation. (35)
- In Brazil, astringent decoction of sun-dried skins used for treatment of hemoptysis, asthma, diarrhea and dysentery. Also used as gargle for chronic tonsillar inflammation. (see caution) (3)
- Dye: Extracts used as natural dye in food coloring.
- Cultural snippet: The jaboticaba tree appears as a charge on the coat of arms of Contagem, Minas Gerais, Brazil. (35)
• Vasorelaxant / Hypotensive / Fruit: Study evaluated the effect of hydroalcoholic extract of M. cauliflora on vascular tension and blood pressure in rats. Results suggest extract infusion produced hypotension and increased aortic blood flow with no changes in heart rate. The NEMC induces endothelium-dependent vascular relaxation. The NO/sGC/cGMP pathway may be the main cellular route involved in the vascular responsiveness. (4)
Volatile Constituents and Odorants / Fruits: Analysis of fruits for volatile flavor compounds yielded 23 components imparting a sensory impression. Major volatile compounds were terpenes, organic acids, and alcohols. Aroma extract dilution analysis showed the ß-pinene, δ-cadinene,2-phenylethanol, and linalool were the most potent odorants of jabuticaba fruits. (6)
• Hypolipidemic / Peel Flour: Study evaluated the hypolipidemic effects of Myrciaria cauliflora peel flour in rats. Results showed a hypolipidemic potential, especially in reducing serum cholesterol and triglycerides. Activity was attributed, at least in part, to the fiber and phenolic composition. (7)
• Antioxidant Polyphenols / Effects on Glucose Metabolism / Peel: Study evaluated the polyphenol profile and contribution to antioxidant capacity of jaboticaba peel. A single-blind placebo-controlled crossover study investigated the effect of jaboticaba peel on antioxidant and glucose parameters. Serum antioxidant capacity was significantly higher in subjects who consumed the test meal containing jaboticaba. Serum insulin decreased subsequent to the second meal. (see constituents above) (8)
• Cosmetic Application / Antioxidant / Peels: Study evaluated the phytochemical profile of jaboticaba peel extracts for incorporation into emulsions, targeting production of cosmetic formulations. A hydroglycolic extract (HGE) was shown to be thermodynamically stable, with higher total phenolic content, and greater antioxidant capacity by FRAP assay. DPPH assay showed the higher the concentration of the formulation , the better the antioxidant activity. The HGE was shown to be more suitable for cosmetic formulation. (9)
• Effect on Blood Glucose and Cholesterol Levels / Peel: Study evaluated the effect of freeze-dried jaboticaba peels (FJP) on plasma glucose, lipid fractions, ALT and AST in adult Wistar rats. FJP supplementation caused a reduction in plasmatic glucose, total triglycerides, total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels. No significant changes were seen on ALT and AST (10)
• Polyphenols and Ellagitannnins / Chemical Variability at Different Stages: Content of ellagitannins and organic acids declined during fruit development. At full ripeness, there was a sharp increase of sugar and anthocyanin levels. Ellagitannins varied among fruit tissues, with pedunculagin (3), castalagin (7) and vescalagin (8) most concentrated in seeds, with cauliflorin (1) and anthocyanins higher in the peels. Phenolic compounds varied mostly by fruit part rather than degree of ripeness. (see constituents above) (11)
• Antioxidant / Antiproliferative / Human Oral Carcinoma Cell Lines / Seeds: Study evaluated extracts from different parts of jaboticaba for antiproliferative activity against human oral carcinoma cell lines. Water extract of seed showed the best scavenging activity compared to other parts of the plant. Water extract of seeds showed concentration-dependent antiproliferative effects via induction of apoptosis through downregulation of survivin expression and activation of caspase-mediated Bid cleavage. (12)
• Total Antioxidant Capacity / Fruit Peel: Fruit peel of M. cauliflora was evaluated for antioxidant capacity using different analytical methods: DPPH (EC50 g/g) 3.18 ± 0.01; ABTS (µmol Trolox/g) 1017.80 ± 0.04; and FRAP (µmol Fe2SO4/g) 1676.80 ± 0.02. (see constituents above) (13)
• Antibacterial / Toxicity Study / Leaves and Fruits: Study evaluated methanol extracts of leaves and fruit for antimicrobial activity and toxicity in vitro. Leaf extract inhibited 9 of 14 (64%) tested while the fruit extract inhibited 11 of 14 (79%) of bacteria tested. The leaf extract displayed toxicity towards Artemia franciscana, a toxicity that correlates well with toxicity towards human cells for some toxins. (14)
Protective Effect and Induction of DNA Repair / Cyclophosphamide-Induced Genotoxicity / Seed: Study evaluated the protective effects of jaboticaba seed extract and pedunculagin using in vivo micronucleus test and comet assay in mouse bone marrow cells, in combination with cyclophosphamide (CP), a bioreductive, alkylating agent. Results showed protective action against CP-induced micronuclei and DNA damage. Results suggest that JSE and pedunculagin possess chemopreventive and DNA repair-inducing properties. (see constituents above) (15)
• Attenuation of Hyperlipidemia and Obesity: Study evaluated the chemopreventive effect of M. cauliflora water extract on male Wistar rat with obesity induced by lard oil for 10 weeks. Results demonstrated MCE prevented high-fat diet-induced high cholesterol and excess body fat, suggesting a potentially protective effect in obesity-related and cardiovascular diseases. (16)
• Attenuation of Diabetic Nephropathy: Study evaluated the effect of M. cauliflora extracts on progression of diabetic nephropathy in type 2 diabetes mellitus mice. The MCE stabilized the plasma glucose and indirectly improved in diabetic mice, In addition, diabetes-caused glomerular atrophy, accumulation of saccharide, and formation of collagen IV were recovered or reduced with treatment with MCE in diabetic mice. Results showed a beneficial effect in diabetic neuropathy through inhibition of Ras/P13K/Akt and kidney fibrosis related to proteins. Study suggests the potential of MC extract rich in anthocyanins and polyphenols as natural food that can inhibit diabetic neuropathy. (17)
• Metabolite Profiling / Fruit: Study of fruits for phenolic contents by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry yielded 22 compounds. Eleven compounds including seven gallotanins, two ellagic acid derivatives, syringin and its glycoside were detected from the fruit for the first time. Two anthocyanins and two depsides present in the fruit extract were not detected in commercial jaboticaba juice and jam. (18)
• Toxicity to Spodoptera frugiperda / Phenolics from Fruit Skins: Fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda is the main pest of maize.
The extract of jabuticabeira from fruit skin flour was found to be harmful to the insect with 150% increase in mortality in the larval stage. Activity is probably due to its content phenolic compounds viz., gallic acid, gallocatechin, catechin, epicatechin, ellagic acid and salicylic acid. (19)
• Antifungal / Oral Microorganisms / Leaves and Bark: Study of extracts of bark and leaves of Myrciaria cauliflora showed antifungal activity on Candida albicans, C. krusei, C. guilliermondii. (20)
• Endothelium-Independent Vasodilating Effect on Isolated Arteries: Study evaluated the effects of jabuticaba hydroalcoholic extract on vascular smooth muscle of isolated arteries. The JHE induced endothelium-independent vasodilation. Activation of K+ channels and inhibition of Ca2++ influx through the membrane were involved in the JHE relaxant effect. (21)
• Use as Natural Dye: Study evaluated the addition of microencapsulated jabuticaba extract (MJE) to fresh sausage as natural dye with antioxidant and antimicrobial activity. Results showed lower TBARS values with lower microbial counts on storage. The 2% MJE presented similar (p<0.05) sensory acceptance to control and carmine treatment in most attributes except for decrease in color. Results suggest 2% MJE can be considered a natural pigment ingredient to fresh sausage. (22)
• Improved Insulin Sensitivity / Peel Powder: Study
evaluated the effects of freeze-dried jaboticaba peel powder on a number of metabolic parameters in a model of diet-induced obesity. The peel powder exerted no protective effect on induced weight gain, hyperlipidemia and glucose intolerance. However, the supplementation was effective in reducing insulin resistance, confirmed by improved signal transduction through the insulin receptor/insulin receptor substrate-1/Akt/forkhead box protein pathway and by attenuation of HFD-induced inflammation in the liver. Results suggest potential role for the fruit powder against obesity-associated insulin resistance. (23)
• Anti-Inflammatory / Hypoglycemic / Hypolipidemic / Analgesic / Epicarp: Study
evaluated the hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of a hydroalcoholic extract of P. cauliflora epicarp in mice. Tannins, phenolic acids, and their derivatives were predominant phytochemicals. Results showed potent antioxidant activity by DPPH free radical scavenging assay similar to gallic acid. Oral PcE significantly reduced carrageenan-induced paw edema and partially blocked leukocyte migration. The extract produced peripheral and central analgesic effects in writhing model and hot plate tests. The extract also improved glucose levels and lipid markers in diabetic mice. (24)
• Antidiarrheal / Fruit and Leaves: Study
evaluated the composition of fruit and leaf extracts and activity against diarrhea by antimicrobial activity against etiologic agents of diarrhea and gastrointestinal motility in mice. Gallic acid, ellagic acid, and flavonoid derivatives were detected in the extracts. Fruit and leaves extracts showed some activity against Enterococcus faecalis, E. coli. Salmonella and Shigellla spp. Neither extract showed effect on gastrointestinal motility. (25)
• Cardioprotective / Doxorubicin-Induced Heart Failure: Study
evaluated the cardioprotective effects of a hydroalcoholic extract of P. cauliflora in female rabbits in a model of doxorubicin-induced heart failure. Treatment induced a cardioprotective response, prevented hemodynamic and functional alterations, and prevented ventricle remodeling. Results demonstrated the extract may prevent doxorubicin-induced heart failure by modulating the antioxidant defense system, reducing reactive oxygen species-induced damage, preventing alternations of hemodynamic and endothelial function, and preventing damage to the cardiac structure. (26)
• Anticoagulation / Antiplatelet Activities / Leaves: Study
evaluated the effect pf aqueous extract of P. cauliflora leaves in different concentrations (0.5% to 10.0% w/v) on hemostasis through changes in platelet aggregation and blood coagulation, assessed by coagulation tests (aPTT and PT) and platelet count. Phytochemical screening yielded the presence of total phenols, tannins and flavonoids. Anticoagulant and antiplatelet activities were demonstrated by significant reduction in platelet concentration on hemogram and the absence of coagulation on the analyzer. (27)
• Antiseptic Formulations / Leaves: Study
evaluated active hydroalcoholic extract of leaves and fractions for antiseptic pharmaceutical mouthwash and topical cream formulations. Antimicrobial activity was tested against S. aureus. S. epidermis, E. coli, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Candida albicans. Chromatography indicated the presence of terpenes, flavonoids, and tannins in the extract and fractions. Total phenol content was found to be high. Results showed activity against all test organisms except Lactobacillus acidophilus. Both topical formulations showed antiseptic activity and stability. Results suggest antimicrobial activity against skin infections, and possibly more useful for treatment of candidiasis. (28)
• Pharmacological Safety / Fruit Peels: Study
evaluated the pharmacological safety of ethanol extracts of P. cauliflora fruit peels in New Zealand rabbits. Secondary metabolites identified were ellagic acid, gallic acid, O-deoxyhexosyl quercetin, and the anthocyanin O-hexosyl cyanidin. No significant behavioral or physiological changes were observed. There were no significant changes in respiratory, cardiovascular or CNS function. Results provide important safety data for its clinical use. (29)
• Ellagic Acid / Antioxidant / Fruits: Study
evaluated the content of ellagic acid in fruits consumed by the Brazilian population. Ellagic acid was detected in 10 out of 35 fruits analyzed. Content of free ellagic acid varied from 0.0028 t 0.085 g/kg (FW) and total ellagic acid varied from 0.215 to 3.11 g/kg (FW). All seven fruits in the Myrtaceae family showed high ellagitannins, with jabuticaba, grumixama, and cambuci showing highest total ellagic contents. Jabuticaba contained concentrated phenolic compounds, including ellagitannins, in the peel. Anthocyanins (cyanidin derivatives) significantly increased through ripening and were not present in the pulp or seeds. Results suggest jabuticaba has potential as dietary source of ellagic acid and reinforced consumption of whole fruit. (30)
• Depsides / Jaboticabin / Antiradical / Cytotoxic / Fruit: Study
isolated a new depside, jaboticabin (1). along with 17 known compounds from the fruit of jaboticaba. Compound 1 and the related depside-2-O-(3,4-dihydroxybenzoyl)-2,4,6-trihydroxyphenylacetic acid (2) significantly inhibited chemokine interleukin (IL)-8 production before and after cigarette smoke treatment of cells. Compound 1 was cytotoxic to HT29 colon cancer cell line (IC50=65µM) and compound 2 was active against mHCT116 colon cancer cells (IC50=30µM). Compounds 1 and 2 exhibited antiradical activity by DPPH assay. Two anthocyanins, cyanidin 3-glucsoide (3) and delphinidin 3-glucoside (4) also showed good activity in these assays. (31)
• Bactericidal / Oral Bacteria / Leaves: Study
evaluated the in vitro antimicrobial activity of a leaf extract of Myrciaria cauliflora on Streptococcus mitis, S. mutans, S. sanguinis, S. oralis, S. salivarus, and Lactobacillus casei through dilution in agar diffusion method. Results showed M. cauliflora extract produced significant in vitro bactericidal activity on the oral biofilm bacteria suggesting potential for use as an economic and viable alternative for the control of odontological diseases. (32)
• Biologic Activities / Cytotoxicity / Peels: Study
evaluated the toxicological effects and biologic activities of jaboticaba peel extract. The extract showed moderate toxicity (LD50=360.92 µg/mL on Artemia salina, a non-toxic effect on L929 cell line, and decreased viability of cancer cell line MDA-MB-231. It showed antioxidant activity on DPPH assay and inhibited 45.7% of acetylcholinesterase activity. Its elemental composition suggests am alternative food supplement and dermocosmetic component. (33)
• Silver Nanoparticles / Antimicrobial / Peel and Leaf: Study
reports on the use of peel and leaf extracts from Plinia cauliflora as dispersion medium in the synthesis of silver nanoparticles. The AgNPs showed antifungal activity in fungi colonies isolated from the human face. Absorbance peak in the peel extract may be the influence of anthocyanins present in the peel's pigment. (34)
• Toxicological Assessment: Study
evaluated the possible risks of administration of ethanol-soluble fraction from infusion of P. cauliflora fruit peels (SEIPC). Rats received SEIPC orally both acutely and repeatedly for 28 days in rats, observing for possible endocrine-disruptive and genotoxic effects in eukaryotic cells. Possible mutagenic activity of SEIPC was assessed by reverse mutation (Ames) assays. From SEIPC, ellagic acid and derivatives, flavonols and anthocyanidines, as well as citric acid and gallic acid, were annotated by LC-DAD-MS. There were no significant alterations of various corporeal systems, no alterations of biochemical, hematological or blood gas parameters. There were no perturbations of the endocrine system or mutagenic, cytotoxic, or genotoxic effects. Results substantiate the safe clinical use of P. cauliflora. (38)
• Anti-Trypanosoma cruzi Activity / Leaves: Study
evaluated the phenolic composition, in vitro and in silico toxicity profile, and anti-Trypanosoma cruzi activity of phenolics-enriched hydromethanolic extract of P. cauliflora leaf. A total of 14 phenolic compounds were identified, including 11 flavonoids and 2 phenolic acids. No positive response regarding mutagenic potential was detected in Salmonella strains. The extract induced significant dose-dependent reduction on nuclear indexes of HepG2 cells, suggesting cytostatic effect. A dose-response curve of in vitro trypanocidal activity was observed against T. cruzi bloodstream trypomastigotes after 2 and 24 hours exposure. Results suggest potential for the leaf extract as source of antiparasitic bioactive compounds. However, it presents cytotoxic effects in liver cell lines. (39)
• Anti-Leishmania / Anti-Inflammatory / Essential Oil / Leaves: Study
evaluated the chemical composition and leishmanicidal and anti-inflammatory potential of essential oil from leaves of Plinia cauliflora (PCEO). The PCEO showed moderate cytotoxicity (CC50) of 137.4 and 143.7 µg/mL on mice peritoneal exudate cells and Vero cells. The PCEO significantly decreased mPEC infection by Leishmania amazonensis and Leishmania braziliensis, with IC50s on amastigote forms of about 7.3 µg/mL and 7.2 µg/mL, respectively. PCEO induced drastic ultrastructural changes in both species and had a high specificity index (SI>18). ADMET analysis suggest potential for development of oral and/or topical formulation for treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis. Study also demonstrated an invivo anti-inflammatory effect with 95% reduction in paw edema and at least a 21.4% decrease in migration of immune cells in animals treated with 50 mg/kg PCEO. Results suggest PCEO is a promising topical therapeutic agent against cutaneous leishmaniasis. (40)
• Antifungal flavonoids / Leaves: Study
evaluated a 70% extract of leaves for phytoconstituents, antifungal activity and cytotoxicity. Glycosylated quercetin and myricetin were isolated from an ethyl acetate fraction. Extract showed good activity against Candida albicans (MIC at 156 µg/mL), C. parapsilosis (78 µg/mL), C. krusei (19 µg/mL), Trichophyton rubrum (78 µg/mL) and Microsporum canis (156 µg/mL). Isolated compounds were active against C. krusei and T. rubrum. (41)
• Inhibition Activities against Melanoma Cells and SSB from K. pneumoniae / Fruit: Study of 50% ethanol fruit extract showed inhibition activity against Klebsiella pneumoniae single-stranded DNA-binding protein (KpSSB) wit IC50 of 73 µg/mL. The extract was also evaluated for cytotoxic and antiproliferative effects on survival of B16F10 melanoma cells. The extract showed inhibition of migration and induced apoptosis of B16F10 cells. (see constituents above) (42)
• Pedunculagin / Genotoxic, Antigenotoxic, Cytotoxic / Seeds: Pedunculagin (PD), an ellgitannin found in different plant species, possesses pharmaceutical properties i.e., antitumor, antioxidant, gastroprotective, anti-inflammatory, among others. Study evaluated the potential cytotoxic, genotoxic, and antigenotoxic activities of PD isolated from P. cauliflora seeds using in silico and in vitro assays. In silico analysis indicated potential antioxidant, chemopreventive, free radical scavenging, and cytostatic activities of PD. In Ames test, PD was found mutagenic; however, it protected against damage-mediated by mutagens 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide and sodium azide. PD was cytotoxic and genotoxic to human lymphocytes; however, it also reduced damage induced by doxorubicin at co- and post-treatment. Results suggest genotoxic, antigenotoxic, and cytotoxic effects in human lymphocytes and anti-mutagenic effects in bacteria. (43)
• Anti-Psoriatic / Cream Formulation: Study evaluated the topical effects of a cream formulation of Pinia cauliflora on skin lesions from plaque psoriasis involving scalp and elbow lesions of six patients who have not used topical or oral steroids for at least 4 weeks. The P. cauliflora creams showed an anti-psoriatic effect with mean reduction of erythema in 33.3%, infiltration in 50%, and local symptoms measured through the Visual Analog Scale in 33.9%. Further studies are suggested with a larger numbers of volunteers to validate its scientific validity. (44)
• Cardioprotective / Antistherosclerotic / Fruit Peels: Study evaluated the cardioprotective effects of a preparation from fruit peels of P. cauliflora (EEPC at 10, 30, and 100 mg/kg) on male rabbits on a 60-day 1% cholesterol-supplemented diet. Results showed significantly lowered levels of lipids in rabbits fed a CRD diet. Treatment adjusted the protective system against oxidation in arteries by decreasing the oxidation of lipids and proteins. Levels of IL-1ß, IL-6, sICAM-1, and sVCAM-1 in the bloodstream were significantly decreased, along with reduction of atherosclerotic lesions in all branches of the arteries. Results suggest EEPC may be a potential addition for management of atherosclerosis. (45)
• Jaboticabin / Anti-Inflammatory in COPD / Wood: Study evaluated the distribution of the anti-inflammatory depside, jaboticabin, in different parts of the plant, as well as major polyphenols from the wood. Antioxidant activity-guided fractionation successfully identified 3,3'-dimethylellagic acid-4-O-sulfate from jaboticaba wood. The ellagic acid derivative, similar to jaboticabin, showed antiradical activity and inhibited production of IL-8 after treating human small airway epithelial cells with cigarette smoke extract. The polyphenols, jaboticabin and 3,3'-dimethylellagic acid-4-O-sulfate from jaboticaba were both found to exhibit anti-inflammatory activities, suggesting potential for use of the compounds or fruits for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. (46)
Cultivated. |