For further reading:
Andales, Sylvester A. 1999. Clinico-pathological observations of Sarcoptes scabiei var canis infested dogs treated with kakawate (Gliricidia sepium). Undergraduate thesis, CVM, UPLB.

Andico, Margaret M. 1982. Medicinal Plants in our School Garden. 2nd ed. Manila: Regan Printers.

Brida-Hofherr, Susanna Romana. 1996. Constituents and Effects of selected traditionally used medicinal plants in livestock in the Philippines. Inaugural-dissertation, DVM, Veterinarmedizinischen Universtat Wien, Austria, 348p.

Castleman, M. 1995. The Healing Herbs: The ultimate guide to the curative power of nature's medicines. USA: Bantam Books. 641p.

Claud, MB. 1987. A survey on the utilization of some medicinal plant for animal health care in Padre Garcia, Batangas. Undergraduate thesis, CA, UPLB.

David, Oreste. 1999. The efficacy of Gliricidia sepium in treating generalized canine demodecosis. Undergraduate thesis, CVM, UPLB.

DeGuzman-Ladion, Herminia. 1985. Healing Wonders of Herbs: Guide to Effective use of Medicinal Plants. Manila: Philippine Publishing House, 158p.

DeJesus, RE. 1988. Preliminary study on the anthelmintic property of makabuhay plant on some GI parasite of cattle. Undergraduate thesis, CVM, UPLB.

DePadua, Ludivina S. 1997. Handbook on Philippine medicinal plants. 4 vol. Documentation and Information Section, Office of the Director of Research, UPLB, Laguna, Philippines. 11th printing.

IIRR. 1994. Ethnoveterinary Medicine in Asia: An information kit on traditional animal health care practices. 4 vol. International Institute of Rural Reconstruction, Silang, Cavite, Philippines.

Jovellanos, JM. 1997. Efficacy of three selected plants on GI parasites of cattle. Undergraduate thesis, CVM, UPLB.

Levy, Juliette de Bairacli. 1984. The Complete Herbal Handbook for Farm and Stable, 4th ed. Redwood Burn Ltd Trowbridge Wiltshire, Great Britain, 383p.

Loculan, MDR and Mateo, CD. Utilization of Medicinal Plants for Animal Health Care. Philippine Journal of Veterinary and Animal Science. 12(3-4): 1-7.

Mateo, Carmencita D. Medicinal Plants for Animal Health Care. Animal Production Technology 2:1, pp 26-32.

Mateo, Carmencita D. Use of herbal medicine in disease control and prevention in livestock. Animal Husbandry and Agriculture. XXI (2), pp 14-17.

Mateo, CD and Manuel, M. 1998. Botanical Ectoparasiticides for poultry and livestock. Terminal report. Pp78-83.

Mateo, CD and Manuel, M. 1998. Rapid clinical screening of kakawate, makabuhay, akapulko, tubli, alagaw, tobacco, calabash, neem and kuchai as 10% decoction against Sarcoptic mange in dogs.

Messonier, Shawn. 2001. Natural health bible for dogs and cats: your A-Z guid to over 200 conditions, herbs, vitamins, and supplements (The natural vet series). Prima Publishing, Roseville, California, USA, 475p.

Olivares, MLI. 1981. In vitro studies on the antimicrobial activity of crude ginger extract on selected bacteria. Undergraduate thesis, CVM, UPLB.

Palacpac-Alo, Anna Marie. Save Your Animals! Try Medicinal Herbs. PCARRD Monitor, 18(2), pp 3, 8-9. Dept of Science and Technology, Philippines.

Parreño, LEE. 1986.
A survey on the use of medicinal plants in a crop-livestock farming research system in Sta Barbara, Pangasinan. Undergraduate thesis, CA, UPLB.

Pasco, Michael B. 1998. Efficacy of Kuchai (Allium tuberosum) in the control of sarcoptic mange in dogs. Undergraduate thesis, CVM, UPLB.

Rejesus-Morallo, B and Tantengco GB. 1985. Survey of the Philippine plants for insecticidal activity: Terminal report. Graduate Thesis, CA, UPLB.

Rejesus-Morallo, B. 1984. Status and prospects of botanical pesticides in the Philippines. Proceedings of the 2nd SEARCA Professorial Lecture in Entomolgy, UPLB.

Rummel, Dietmer J. 1998. Cosmetic Uses of Philippine Medicinal Herbs. Anvil Publishing, Manila, Philippines.

Schulz, V, Hansel R and Tyler, VE. 1998. Rational Phytothreapy. A Physicians' Guide to Herbal Medicine. Germany: Springer Verlag. 306p.

Solis, E. 1980. In vitro sensitivity of bacteria to betel leaf pepper (Piper betle) infusion by the disc diffusion method. Undergraduate thesis, CVM, UPLB.

Tan, Michael. 1979. Philippine medicinal plants in common use:their phytochemistry and pharmacology. Manila.

Tancungco, A. 1984. A study on the effetivity of tobacco leaf infusion as a treatment for tick infestation in dogs. Undergraduate thesis, CVM, UPLB.

Valenciano, Lester A and Cotiw-an, Basito S. 1980. The Anthelmintic Activity of Betel Nut (Areca catechu) against Toxocara canis. MSAC Research Journal 6/7: 30-38.

Vicente, AS. 1981. In vivo study of the effect of atsuwete (Bixa orellana) extract on bacteria common in canine pyoderma. Undergraduate thesis, CVM, UPLB.

Philippine Herbs Used in Small Animal Practice
Compiled by M. Leila Santiago-Flores, DVM
Preparation and Application of Herbal Medicines
Integumentary System
Gastrointestinal System
Intestinal Parasitism
Respiratory System
Reproductive System
Urinary System
Circulatory System
Ophthalmic Disorders

Email: M. Leila Santiago-Flores