Gen info
- Platostoma palustre is a species of plant in the genus Plastostoma of the the mint family, Lamiaceae.
- The genus was first described in
was first described in 1818. (3)
In Taiwan, folk beliefs consider it a wonderfully revitalizing herbal tea, a gift from the immortals, earning the name xiancao, which literally means "herb of the immortals". (15)
• Growth form: Perennial herb with trailing stems that are 15-100 cm long. Foliage: Leaves are narrowly ovate (egg-shaped) to almost circular (2-5 cm long, 0.8-2.8 cm wide). Stems: Stems may be hairless, pilose (covered in soft hairs) or finely bristly (covered in short, stiff hairs). Flowers: White, reddish or light blue to purplish flowers (3 mm long) are arranged in verticillasters (a whorl-like inflorescence where flowers appear to surround the stem). The verticillasters are arranged in branched clusters known as panicles. The panicles are either erect or pointed upwards at an oblique angle. Fruit: Black, elongated fruits are known as nutlets. (4)
- Native to the Philippines.
- Also native to Assam, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China South-Central, China Southeast, Jawa, Laos, Lesser Sunda Is., Myanmar, New Guinea, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam. (1)
- UPLC-MS analysis of stems and leaves detected 1228 metabolites, including 241 phenolic acids, 203 flavonoids, 152 lipids, 128 terpenes, 106 amino acids, 79 organic acids, 74 saccharides, 66 alkaloids, 44 lignans, etc. (see study below) (6)
- Study of eight varieties of Hsian-tsao (P. palustre) using SDE (simultaneous distillation-extraction) identified a total of 108 volatile components, with main compounds of
α-bisabolol, ß-caryophyllene, and caryophyllene oxide. Using HS-SPME, 56 volatile compounds were identified, with main compounds of α-pinene, ß-pinene, and limonene. HS-SPME extracted a significantly higher amount of monoterpenes and a poorer detection of less volatile compounds, such as sesquiterpenes, terpene alcohol, and terpene oxide. (8)
- Nutritional value: Unsweetened grass jelly per 500 grams contains 2.5 grams of protein and about 15 grams of carbohydrates, of which 0.5 gm are from dietary fiber. It contains no fat, vitamins, or minerals.
- Studies suggested anticancer, blood glucose lowering, non-genotoxic, anti-inflammatory, hypolipidemic, colon cancer growth inhibitory properties.
Parts used
Leaves, stems.
- Mesona is primary used in making grass jelly. Leaves and stems are dried and oxidized like tea, and processed into a jelly.
- As dessert, grass jelly is prepared by boiling dried shoots in water with sugar and agar, and allowing the strained liquid to set. (4)
Eaten as a snack in drinks, or set as gel and served as grass jelly. In Indonesia, leaves used to make a black jelly. (2)
- The fresh, wobbly treat is tart, fragrant, with a hint of mint, with a chewy, thick quality.
- In the Philip (4
- In traditional Chinese medicine, used for treating joint pains, liver diseases, hypertension, and diabetes. (4)
- The Hakka, an ethnic group of Han Chinese, use the plant as a cooling, hydrating gel to alleviate heat stroke after longs days of working in the field.
- In Vietnam, used for cooling, treating colds, arthritis, nephritis, hypertension and diabetes.
- Preparation and commerce: In Taiwan, the plant is grown under orchard fruit trees as secondary crop. The plant is processed by harvesting all aerial portions above the root, which are partially dried, then piled up to allow oxidation until they have darkened, then thoroughly dried to sell. (3)
- Grass jelly preparation: Grass jelly is prepared by boiling aged and slightly oxidized stalks and leaves of Platostoma palustre (Mesona chinensis) with potassium carbonate and a little starch for several hours. The liquid cools to a jelly-like consistency, which is cut into cubes or shapes. The jelly is mixed with syrup to make a drink or dessert. Believed to have cooling properties, it is a preferred hot-weather indulgence. (14)
- Harvesting and curing: Xiancao takes a long time to be ready for use. Freshly harvested and dried xiancao retains the raw flavor of the plant, and requires time to shed flavor and reach maturity, while naturally absorbing moisture from the air. Two years of curing will dissipate its grassy smell. And the xiancao brewed from it will provide a more fragrant juice. (15)
• Effect on Cell Viability of Colorectal Cancer Cells: Study evaluated the effects of 90% ethanol extract of P. palustre and commercial tea in inhibiting colorectal cancer cell viability using CT-26 and HT-29 colorectal cancer cell lines. Results showed the extracts possessed significant inhibition effects of CT-26 colorectal cancer cell viability. The 3.13-100% commercial herbal tea showed significant inhibition. The 6.25-100 mg/mL P. palustre extracts showed significant inhibitory effect on HT-29 colorectal cancer cell viability. The 25-100% commercial herbal tea with P. palustre showed significant inhibition of HT-29 cancer cell viability. Study results suggest potential for the ethanolic extracts and commercial herbal tea for inhibiting growth of colorectal cancer cells. (5)
• Effect of Growth Stages on Phytoconstituents / Leaves and Stems: Study evaluated metabolites in the stems and leaves at different stages of growth. At total of 1228 metabolites were detected, including 241 phenolic acids, 203 flavonoids, 152 lipids, 128 terpenes, 106 amino acids, 79 organic acids, 74 saccharides, 66 alkaloids, 44 lignans, etc. As growth time increases, differential metabolites (DAMS) mainly enriched in leaves were terpenoids,, phenolic acids, and lipids, while DAMs primarily enriched in stems were terpenoids. Arginine biosynthesis was the common differential metabolic pathway in different growth stages and tissues. (6)
• Effect of Herbal Tea on Blood Glucose Regulation: Study evaluated the effects of P. palustre herbal tea on blood glucose regulation in mice with induced hyperglycemia administered via gavage. Administration of herbal tea resulted in improvement of fasting blood glucose, significant improvement in postprandial blood sugar and oral glucose tolerance test. Results suggest that drinking of herbal tea for 3 months has considerable potential for blood glucose regulation. (7)
• Antioxidant / Phenolic Compounds: Study evaluated the antioxidant activity of phenolic compounds isolated from Mesona procumbens. Hsian-tsao was extracted with various solvents. The fraction treated with acidic ethyl acetate (pH2) yielded large amounts of phenolic compounds and strong antioxidant activity on peroxidation of linoleic acid. Among the antioxidant components, caffeic acid exhibited antioxidant activity. (9)
• Genotoxicity: Study evaluated the ethanolic extracts of P. palustre for genotoxicity by micronucleus assay in vivo by using mitomycin C in mice. Due to high sensitivity of micronucleus assay, the method is the most commonly used for testing toxic drug-induced chromosomal aberrations in vivo. Results showed P. palustre ethanolic extracts exhibited no genotoxicity. (10)
• Anti-Inflammatory: Study evaluated the potency and optimum dose of Mesona palustris supplement as anti-inflammatory in carrageenan-induced Balb/C mice (Mus musculus.) Edema was observed surrounding mice feet, and a relative number of NF-α and CD68 were measure by flow cytometry analysis. Both BCBHS (black cincau based herbal supplement) test doses were effective to inhibit edema incidence in carrageenan-induced mice. Expression of TNF-α and CD68 in both BCBHS doses were lower than the positive control. Tissue recovery was observed with M. palustris supplementation. Results suggest an anti-inflammatory effect in carraggenan-induced mice. (11)
• Hypolipidemic / Effect on Blood Lipid Regulation / Herbal Tea: Study evaluated the effects of P. palustre commercial herbal tea on blood lipid regulation of adult male Syrian hamsters administered via gavage at 10 mL/kg. Results showed improvement in blood and lipid levels of the hamsters. Results suggest drinking herbal tea for 2 months has considerable potential for blood lipid regulation. (12)
• Effect on Viability of Colorectal Cancer Cells / Commercial Herbal Tea: Study evaluated the effects of ethanolic extracts and commercial herbal tea of Platostoma palustre in inhibiting colorectal cancer cell viability using CT-26 and HT-29 colorectal cancer cell lines by MTT assay. Platostoma palustre extracts exhibited significant inhibition effects of CT-26 colorectal cancer cell viability. The 3.13-100% commercial herbal tea showed significant inhibition effects of CT-26 colon cancer cell viability. The 25-100% commercial herbal tea possessed significant inhibition effects on HT-29 CC cell viability. The CT-26 cell line was more sensitive than the HT-29 cell line on inhibition of cell viability after treatment with ethanolic extracts and commercial herbal tea. Results suggest potential for inhibition of growth on colorectal cancer cells. (13)
- Wild-crafted.
- Grass jelly products, dried herbs, extract powders in the cybermarket.