Scientific names | Common names |
Aralia octophylla Blanco [illegitimate] | Galamai-amo (Tag.) |
Heptapleurum insularum Seem. | Kalangkang (P. Bis.) |
Polyscias digitata Blanco | Kulolo (Sub.) |
Schefflera decidua Elmer [Invalid] | Pararan (Bag.) |
Schefflera digitata (Blanco) Merr [illegitimate] | |
Schefflera insularum (Seem) Harms | |
Galamai is a local name for three different species of genus Schefflera, distinguished from each other by the leaf numbers and features: (1) Schefflera elliptifoliola Merr. (Galamai) (2) Schefflera insularum Seem. (Galamai-amo, kalangkang, kulolo, pararan) (3)Schefflera odorata Merr. (Galamai-amo, kalakang, lima-lima). | |
Galama-amo i is a local name for shared by (1) Schefflera insularum Seem. (Galamai-amo, kalangkang, kulolo, pararan) (2)Schefflera odorata Merr. (Galamai-amo, kalakang, lima-lima). | |
Schefflera insularum (Seem.) Harms is an accepted name The Plant List |
Gen info There are nearly 1100 species widely distributed in the tropics and subtropics of both hemispheres; about 5 or 6 species endemic in the Philippines. Botany Distribution
Constituents Parts
utilized Studies |
Updated October 2018 / April 2016
IMAGE SOURCE: / Photo / Araliaceae : Schefflera / Leaf /Copyright © 2004 by Kevin C. Nixon (contact: [ref. DOL8102] / Non-Commercial Use / Click on photo to see source image / |
Sources and Suggested Readings |
It is not uncommon for links on studies/sources to change. Copying and pasting the information on the search window or using the DOI (if available) will often redirect to the new link page. |
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